Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Let's See How You Feel After Starring at This for a Few Hours


The above article discusses a bill that was passed in Texas that forces mothers seeking abortions to look at an ultrasound of their unborn child before they can make the final decision to have an abortion.

This is just wrong. I imagine most women that go in to have an abortion are there because they have no other options. They see an abortion as the best decision they could make for their fetus and for their self. To force them to look at an ultrasound and listen to a description is like adding guilt to a woman that probably already feels terrible.

Sadly, there is a second part to the bill that makes the situation worse. The video stated, "The House measure requires 24 hours to pass after the ultrasound before a woman can have an abortion, while senate version allows just two hours." Either way, this new bill will only hurt the woman seeking an immediate abortion. These lawmakers obviously want the ultrasound picture to marinate in the mind of the woman, in the hope that it will change it.

A lot of people are unaware of the situation that many women find themselves in. Some women who seek abortions have been victims of rape. Some are too young to even support their self, let alone a baby. But people are so concerned with decreasing the rate of abortion, they can't see how in some cases it might be the only option.

I am aware that some people are uneducated about what an abortion actually is and does to the fetus. In that case, those people should be taught the facts, procedure, and possible consequences of having an abortion. It is wrong to scare woman with fear tactics and guilt trips.

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