Monday, January 31, 2011

My Goal is to Never Stop Moving

My name is Denise Roberts and I am a junior here at WCSU. I am a professional writing major, concentrating in Public Relations. Just this semester I have decided to minor in photography and marketing. This is the first semester since my college career began that it seems like I will enjoy all of my classes.
Because of many obstacles I faced academically in previous semesters, I am taking eighteen credits, hoping to make up for classes that I missed. This is also the first semester I am working two jobs; one on campus at the Registrar's Office, and the other in the mall at Forever 21. There is a lot on my plate right now, but this is needed structure. When I have too much free time on my hands, I tend to abuse the lack of responsibility. But when I am always "racing against the clock" I am better able to stay focused.
After college, my goal is to work for a non-profit organization. Throughout high school I volunteered for one, and that might have been the only time I was genuinely happy with my job. I want to get back to that. I want to be ecstatic going into my job every day, and walk out anticipating tomorrow. I am hoping with the classes I am taking here at WCSU, I will be ready for whatever challenges are waiting for me in the future.


  1. I know what you mean about making up for previous semesters. During my freshman year I didn't do so well, so I've spent the last few years trying to make up for it by taking a packed full-time schedule of classes. So not only is this my senior semester (thesis and all), but I have my wedding to plan in the next four months. It's going to be difficult, but I agree with you that it's better to stay focused when there is more going on. Too much free time always leads to least for me! You have a really great goal. I don't know of anyone wanting to work for a non-profit organization after college, but that must be so fulfilling. Good luck!

  2. I definitely agree with you when you say that having little responsibility in your daily routine can cause an abuse of free time! I notice that on days when I do not have work, I find myself lounging in front of the tv or sitting on facebook for an endless amount of time. Having time constraints, while sometimes stressful, tend to help me manage my time a lot better!
