Monday, January 31, 2011

My Goal is to Never Stop Moving

My name is Denise Roberts and I am a junior here at WCSU. I am a professional writing major, concentrating in Public Relations. Just this semester I have decided to minor in photography and marketing. This is the first semester since my college career began that it seems like I will enjoy all of my classes.
Because of many obstacles I faced academically in previous semesters, I am taking eighteen credits, hoping to make up for classes that I missed. This is also the first semester I am working two jobs; one on campus at the Registrar's Office, and the other in the mall at Forever 21. There is a lot on my plate right now, but this is needed structure. When I have too much free time on my hands, I tend to abuse the lack of responsibility. But when I am always "racing against the clock" I am better able to stay focused.
After college, my goal is to work for a non-profit organization. Throughout high school I volunteered for one, and that might have been the only time I was genuinely happy with my job. I want to get back to that. I want to be ecstatic going into my job every day, and walk out anticipating tomorrow. I am hoping with the classes I am taking here at WCSU, I will be ready for whatever challenges are waiting for me in the future.